Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Movin' That Jelly: First Biorhythms Dance Rehearsal

At a recent doctor's appointment, the nurse very kindly told me, "Try to make the extra effort to move around every day. Med school promotes a sedentary lifestyle."

It has not been easy to get in that daily dose of exercise. I have a 7-8 minute walk to class, which I inconsistently attend, and the cooling weather is triggering my body to reset it's eating set point to hibernation mode. My only outlet for dance has been when I decide to go out with my classmates (I must be getting old because even that's not very often). But...that all changed yesterday! That jelly that used to be my belly has finally gotten a chance to move in a productive way!

The University of Michigan med school produces a dance show every semester called Biorhythms (don't make fun of the name!). It operates in the same model as AADT. There are student choreographers, all med students are given the chance to sign up, and we are each assigned one-two dances to be in. I'll be teaching a modified version of Fan Fusion (Choreographer: YY Yang, Eastbound 2006) and I'm dancing in a hip hop dance. We had our very first hip hop rehearsal yesterday in a hallway outside a lecture hall and it was amazing!

We will be dancing to this song and the style is probably closer to music video pop. The concept is battle of high school cliques: nerds, jocks, goths, and the group of popular girls that everyone hates but secretly wishes they could be. As we learn the piece, we are supposed to pick a clique.

What clique would I best be able to pull off?

Woohoo...feels so great to dance again!

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