Friday, April 3, 2009

This Is Dance (and Techno Julie Andrews)

That's what it's all about. At times, it's serious and graceful and solemnly beautiful, but at other times it's just pure, carefree joy! Dance is glorious and wonderful and human. You need ladies and gentlemen and children of all ages to g-g-get on up and DANCE. Plus, all 200 dancers are incredibly synchronized. Oh, AADT, if only you would learn ...

P.S. I'm dropping out of Harvard and moving to Belgium. Just thought I'd let you know.
P.P.S. Wait for it - watch the entire thing. It's worth all 4 minutes and 1 second of it.


  1. you are so not dropping out! I can't have that!

  2. I finally watched the video and I can't tell you how many times I've had dreams like this, hahaha. The grid at the end reminds me of company!

  3. this should be considered for pubbing Eastbound next year =D
